Roof Heat Proofing

Roof Heat Proofing is also known as Solar Reflective Coating – a Solution offered for homeowners in order to reduce the heat transfer to a house during hot days. Running air conditioning systems in a house is an expensive affair and a Cool Roof can save some money. Roof Heat Proofing coating can reduce temperature inside a house by up to twenty degrees. It means the AC will have to work less to achieve and maintain the desired temperature.

How does a Roof Heat Proofing Coating work?

Most homeowners are startled when they hear about a Roof Cool Coating that can help them to greatly reduce power consumption in a house. Most of them like to know how Roof Heat Proofing on a roof can achieve this. When the sun shines on a roof, it increases the temperature of a roofing material.

Roof Heat Proofing Roof Cool Services Karachi Pakistan

When temperature increases, heat is transferred from a roof to the inside of a house that results in increase of temperature inside. Our ZEM-30 Heat Shield Roof Cool Chemical is made of a high Reflective Nano Insulated type of chemicals which increases the reflectivity of a roof. This means that more rays of the sun are reflected away when they come into contact with a roof.

Our Roof Heat Proofing Treatment increases the reflectivity of any kind of roof, whether it’s Concrete, Asbestos AC Sheets, Galvanized Iron G.I Sheets, Tiles Roof and is made of Pre-coated roofing sheets. ZEM-30 Roof Cool Paint is the best way of controlling heat in a house because it prevents the sun heat from entering a house. Other methods like insulation and ceilings do not prevent heat from entering a house, but just delay heat.

Benefits of Roof Heat Proofing

With the application of a Cool Roof Chemical, it’s easy to enjoy lower power bills and therefore money is saved. The Cool Roof Coating is eco-friendly and isn’t dangerous for the atmosphere. Furthermore, this Roof Heat Proof Coating Reflects away UV and IR rays, protecting a home or building.

When a roof is cooled, it can bring many benefits to the environment as it is. Cool roof paint also restores a roof surface and extends resistance to abrasion of a roof. Reducing temperature in a house keeps it comfortable during hot sunny days.

Roof Heat Proofing Benefits

Roof Heat Proofing Application Process.

Roof Leakage Seepage Repair Waterproofing Services in KarachiWe are offering the very cost effective Roof Heat Proofing services in Karachi and The Roof Heat Proofing Application process of a ZEM-30 Roof Cool Coating is very easy.

  • Clean the roof thoroughly before the Roof Cool Application and let it dry under the sun.
  • We will aply then 2 coats of ZEM-30 Heat Shield Roof Cool Chemical to entire surface. (1 hour span time between each

Frequently Ask Questionn

This Roof Heat Proofing Coating will stay 4 to 5 years on the roof surface which depended on the condition, environment and maintenance.

There will be 6-8 centigrade temperature reduce by this Roof Heat Proofing Treatment as shown in picture below Roof Heat Proofing Benefits

Yes, you can walk through the surface and your feet will not be burning in peak hot hour between 1pm to 3pm.

No, We use only Water based Heat Proofing Polymerized Chemicals which has no properties of  asphalt or toxicity.

No, it will long last 4-6 years on the surface and will not be damaged OR melt in Heavy Rain, Heat and Cold weather.

No, You cannot dismantle OR scrapping on roof surface, Our focused to penetrate the Heat Proofing Chemical into surface for long lasting the coating.

Roof Heat Proofing maintenance is very simple, you have to make sure to clean the dust from roof once in a week by small think besom, cleaning will help to bright the surface coating, the more bright your surface, more reflection will generate and temperature reduce automatically.

It is recommended to apply 1 super coat of Heat proofing after every 3 years which will charge your existing Cool Roof Coating.

Don’t clean your roof by washing with Surf, Bleach or any type of acid and don’t dismantle OR scraping on Roof.

Yes, You can DIY Roof Cool Application which is very simple, see application procedure below:

Clean the roof thoroughly before the Roof Cool Application and let it dry under the sun.

We will aply then 2 coats of ZEM-30 Heat Shield Roof Cool Chemical to entire surface. (1 hour span time between each coat).

You can Call us at 0332-0066625, 0335-0066626 for Live Video Call supervision at the time of DIY Application.

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